
Back to work today (yesterday was Waitangi Day), to hundreds of emails, and struggling to get back up to speed with all the projects we’ve got on the go, but I’m sure by the end of the week it’ll feel like I was never away.  It did feel very good to be able to shut…


No progress on (any of) the quilt(s), because I’ve been too busy the last couple of days being social and stuff. Dad came up yesterday, because friends of his were hosting a mini music festival out at Whitecliffs (about 70 km from Christchurch) today.  He’d originally invited me to go out there with him today…

One finished, one started

I finished binding the hedgehog quilt (which I think I should call Heidi Hedgehog, seeing as the original pattern I pinched the idea from was called Hazel Hedgehog) I’m really pleased with how it turned out – free-motion quilting is definitely a lot easier since I got the sewing machine repaired and can actually control…

The new project

I finally made it to the fabric shop this morning, so I started work on my new project.  It’s only a little one, but reasonably complicated (made even more complicated by the fact that I’m working from my own pattern – it’s based loosely on a quilt I saw online, but simplified a bit (yes,…

Before and after

The best thing about having a week off and nothing in particular planned for it, is that you don’t feel like you’ve wasted your time when you get unexpectedly sidetracked into a project – like totally reorganising how you store your fabric (to pick an example completely at random 🙂 ) Yeah.  I started this…

I remembered…

So many projects on my once-my-thesis-is-finished list, I really didn’t know where to start.  But I felt like playing with colour, so I pulled out my not-quite-finished Birds in Flight quilt (Wow, it’s nearly two years since I finished the top, and I still haven’t quilted it!  Probably because I got over-ambitious about what I…

Still modelling…

Actually, I thought I’d finally finished my modelling a few days ago, but I met with my supervisors today, and they’ve recommended I run a few more, so it’s back to sitting waiting for models to run.  In the meantime, I’ve started writing up what I’ve done so far, and I’m making ok progress –…