1 hour and 49 minutes

Didn’t manage to get it done in the promised under an hour (it was actually closer to two), but I did get it done. Most of that time was taken sewing the first very long seam (when you fold the super-long strip in half and sew down the entire length), and in untangling the knots…

Preparing to race

While I was working on my thesis last year, with no real free time to do anything properly crafty, I kept myself sane by channelling my creative urges into watching quilting tutorials on YouTube and keeping a notebook of all the ideas I wanted to try out one day.  And, when that wasn’t enough, by…

Scrappy bits

So much for my good intentions of regularly posting to my blog – that seems to have fallen by the wayside a bit!  Partly because I’ve been busy (last week I went to Toastmasters on Tuesday night, my craft group on Thursday night, and a union Rainbow Te Kahukura function on Friday night.  And this…

How about now?

Or now? In case you’re still puzzled, it’s supposed to be a hedgehog (based loosely on this one, but simplified and a lot smaller).  It’s destined to be a very mini quilt for Heidi, my other supervisor (not the one I made the baby quilt for), who loves hedgehogs, so her office is decorated with…

The new project

I finally made it to the fabric shop this morning, so I started work on my new project.  It’s only a little one, but reasonably complicated (made even more complicated by the fact that I’m working from my own pattern – it’s based loosely on a quilt I saw online, but simplified a bit (yes,…

Before and after

The best thing about having a week off and nothing in particular planned for it, is that you don’t feel like you’ve wasted your time when you get unexpectedly sidetracked into a project – like totally reorganising how you store your fabric (to pick an example completely at random 🙂 ) Yeah.  I started this…

I remembered…

So many projects on my once-my-thesis-is-finished list, I really didn’t know where to start.  But I felt like playing with colour, so I pulled out my not-quite-finished Birds in Flight quilt (Wow, it’s nearly two years since I finished the top, and I still haven’t quilted it!  Probably because I got over-ambitious about what I…

Still modelling…

Actually, I thought I’d finally finished my modelling a few days ago, but I met with my supervisors today, and they’ve recommended I run a few more, so it’s back to sitting waiting for models to run.  In the meantime, I’ve started writing up what I’ve done so far, and I’m making ok progress –…

Three happy things

1. Housework done, a casserole simmering away that will provide quick and easy meals when I’m working late this week, the sun is still shining despite the threat of rain, and enough time to sit and eat lunch with a book. 2. The closest I’ll ever get to gardening. One of the supermarket chains was…