Quilt pic

As promised, a picture of the quilt top I sewed for my supervisor’s baby while I was on sick leave: It’s an “eye spy” quilt – each of the squares is a fabric with different pictures on it (or letters or numbers, in some), so when the child gets older it becomes an eye spy…

Production line

(Warning to family-type people who read this blog: there are Christmas-present spoilers below.  If you don’t want the surprise ruined, stop reading now.  Alternatively, if anything really catches your eye, let me know and I’ll make sure that one’s your present 🙂 ) anuary and the start of my masters is looming large, so I’m…

Busy Weekend

This weekend was the last of my totally-booked-out weekends of November, and it was the busiest of all (well, apart from the convention weekend, of course).  First, on Saturday, after a quick attempt to clean the house, I went into town to meet up with Harvestbird and family for the Climate March.  There was a…

Stencil all the things

hile I was in the midst of studying, every time I got invited to do anything my response would be “I’ll be free in November” – with the result that my social calendar is full to overflowing this month.  Last weekend was the Auckland Uncon, of course (which I promise to write a proper blog…

Practice makes …better

or the last few months, when I was way too busy to do anything crafty, I indulged my need for creativity by watching YouTube videos on quilting, and looking forward to having the chance to put some of what I learnt into practice (oh, and by buying fabric.  Lots of fabric. (See, this is why…

And finally, the thrush

This whole having a weekend off thing is fun!  It’s meant I managed to finish off the last* bird of the Birds in Flight quilt-a-long, the thrush: *well, technically the last. I still want to re-make the wren sometime with the colours going the right direction, so I’m not completely finished, but at least now…