Light = marginally better

So yeah, “in the morning when the light’s better” assumes there actually will be better light in the morning, not gloomy and overcast.  But I took a photo under the fluorescent kitchen light, and it came out slightly closer to the actual colours: Anyway, I dropped it off to Judy this morning, and she totally…

Most rushed job ever

But I got it done! (I’ll try and remember to take a better photo in the morning when the light’s better, before I wrap it up to take into work and Judy’s farewell party). I had ambitious plans to quilt it with a leafy or flowery design, but then I reminded myself I only had…


I was planning on doing some more work on the next bird today (it’s been kind of on hiatus while I was sick, because I couldn’t concentrate well enough), but then I got inspired to make a mug rug as a quick present for Judy, a colleague who’s retiring on Tuesday.  Yeah, you know where…


(Yes, the picture is sideways – I took the photo this morning, but didn’t realise until now that I’d put the block up the wrong way. So rather than try and re-photograph it in the less than ideal light now, I just rotated the photo, even though it looks weird 🙂 ) Anyway, Buzzard done. …

Slow progress

You may have noticed a slowing down in the production of birds lately. That’s because these last few are so much more complicated than the earlier ones. With the first few birds, I could easily churn one out over a couple of evenings, but these later ones need a lot more concentration to make sure…


(Ok, so Tartankiwi calls it a cormorant, but I’m a New Zealander – it’s a shag :-)) This one went so much better than the kestrel – all the seams lined up first time. I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to make one of the birds blue, seeing as I’m using a blue background, but…

So far

Because I couldn’t quite make up my mind what fabrics to use for the next bird, this afternoon I laid out all the ones I’ve done so far, hoping seeing the overall effect would help me decide.  It’s the first time I’ve actually looked at them all together, and they look pretty impressive: They also…

By the light of day

I had another look at the kestrel in daylight, and having let enough time pass for the frustration at not getting it to work right to subside, and I’m feeling a lot happier about it now. The misalignment isn’t nearly as bad as I’d thought, and (as a couple of you pointed out) hardly even…

I give up

I unpicked the seam on the kestrel, and very very carefully lined the two halves back up, and pinned and basted it, and checked again that the crucial part of the wing matched properly, and sewed the seam… and it still doesn’t quite line up.  So that’s it.  I’m giving up and accepting the fact…