ast night my Toastmasters club had a mid-winter outing – dinner at the Old Vicarage in Halswell. It was a really fun evening (and a wonderful dinner – Akaroa salmon and caramel steamed pudding) – we had a big square table in a private room, and conversations flowed around and across the table. I’m really enjoying the club – as well as the skills I’m learning, they’re such an interesting and diverse group of people, who I probably never would have run into otherwise. Plus I’ve made a few contacts that will actually be useful for work – I never imagined myself to be a “networking” type, but apparently I am capable of it after all 😉
It turned into a very late night though – we didn’t leave the restaurant until about 10.30, and Halswell is a very long way away. Luckily someone gave me a lift home, because the other option would have been two buses and at least an hour to get home, very aware that I had work in the morning. As it is, I’m feeling pretty sleepy today – might have to be an early night tonight.
(And apparently sleepiness manifests itself in the inability to punctuate with anything other than dashes – good thing I’m not writing photo descriptions today!)