The mystery is solved!
The phantom marmite deliverer was Rarsberry. Thanks!
In a dusty corner of our porch are three large stones, one for each cat buried in our backyard. Our section sits right on top of one of the gravel banks that criss-cross the Canterbury plains, left over from the Waimakariri’s meanderings, and the reason our suburb got off so lightly in the earthquakes. It’s…
ctually, it’s suprisingly unpainful – except of course at those moments when I bump it against something, which happens every time I forget that I’ve got a giant sausage of bandage on my finger, making it twice the size it normally is and therefore needs a lot more clearance room than normal… I am discovering,…
o, not mine – that’s a couple of years off yet. But I did take part in the ceremony today. There’s a tradition that the general staff (i.e. non-academics) can volunteer to help out at graduation doing things like ushering parents to their seats, or helping the marshalls organise the students. Or, as I was…
lmost saw a nasty accident on the way home tonight. On the main road that goes past the university, they’ve erected low concrete barriers to separate the cycle lanes from the road. Some people have been complaining about them, because they’re only kerb height, so it’s easy for cars to hit them if the driver’s…
or the last few months, when I was way too busy to do anything crafty, I indulged my need for creativity by watching YouTube videos on quilting, and looking forward to having the chance to put some of what I learnt into practice (oh, and by buying fabric. Lots of fabric. (See, this is why…
n a shock move, I actually did some gardening this morning. Well, sort of – I vaguely hacked at the weeds in the herb garden (does it still count as a herb garden if the only herb in it is the rosemary plant that went feral and took over the entire garden?) to clear a…