Moving on
ecember is suddenly upon us, and the round of Christmas/end of year functions has started – I’ve already been to three, and it’s only the 9th. One was combined with a farewell – Jan, a very-like-minded colleague from another department, is leaving to set up a tea shop in a gap-filler space in the CBD. Sounds like an exciting new direction for her, but I’ll miss our ranting phone calls whenever one or the other of us had to deal with one of our irritations-in-common and needed a sympathetic ear to share the frustrations with.
And that’s just the beginning of the farewells, too – two other good friends (I won’t mention names as I’m not sure how official their departures are yet) are heading off for pastures new soon, one to Lincoln and the other to Brisbane. Work just won’t be the same without spontaneous yum cha. Still, I’m pleased for all of them that they’ve found such great opportunities. And opportunity is quietly peeking over the horizon for me too – I don’t want to say much in case I jinx it, but there’s a distinct possibility of new and exciting things.
Anyway, Christmas is approaching fast, so we put up the Christmas tree yesterday (and are taking bets on how long it lasts before the kittens destroy it…):
Only two new ornaments this year, both from the Newbridge silverware factory, which we visited during the Dublin Convention.
Sorry about the glare – shiny stainless steel is very hard to photograph!
bookcrossers Christmas tree?
yay for new opportunities 🙂