Almost finished!
Just the backstitch to go now.
etzirah commented the other day that in crafts, “The journey is as important as the destination”. That is so true. In fact, for me, it’s all about the journey – the destination often bores me by the time I actually reach it. Which explains why I have a trunk full of “finished” projects, mostly cross-stitch…
It’s Secret Santa season, and I’m determined not to resort to junk from the Warehouse to fulfill the under-$10 requirement for any of them. Which means I’ve got a lot of crafting deadlines in my near future. But I’m making good progress. I’m almost finished making my gift for the Christchurch Bloggers Secret Santa, and…
K, I get the hint Mum – time I posted something. My only excuse is my usual one: Honours is hard and I have no life. Yeah, I’ve been saying that a lot lately, but study is definitely taking up a huge proportion of my time, and not leaving a lot left for anything else….
As predicted, I spent most of yesterday mucking around in Mum’s craft room – she has so many fun toys to play with! My plan originally was just to make a few little simple gift tags (because we’re having our Christmas tonight, with Brother and family, now that they’re back from Middlemarch, and I’d forgotten…
This is the second time I’ve written this post. This morning I wrote a long (and, of course, incredibly witty and entertaining) version of it, but when I hit publish WordPress just laughed at me and ate it. And I didn’t have time to re-write it straight away, because I had to run off and…
Apologies for the awful photo – I finished sewing all the bits together quite late tonight, so I had the choice of either a washed-out photo using a flash, or a yellowish photo using just the light in the room. Neither came out great, but I’ve colour-corrected it as best I can. I’ll try and…