How about now?

Or now?

In case you’re still puzzled, it’s supposed to be a hedgehog (based loosely on this one, but simplified and a lot smaller).  It’s destined to be a very mini quilt for Heidi, my other supervisor (not the one I made the baby quilt for), who loves hedgehogs, so her office is decorated with hedgehogs her students have given to her over the years.  So I thought seeing as I made a baby quilt for Lynn, I’d make a wee hedgehog quilt for Heidi that she can hang on the wall in her office.
I’m reasonably pleased with how it turned out.  A few of the seams don’t quite match up, because there’s no quarter inch mark on my sewing machine, so I have to just guesstimate it (and I use metric for everything except sewing, so how big a quarter inch is doesn’t come naturally to me), which is difficult with patterns like this that require total accuracy to work properly.  I’ve figured out that a quarter inch is about a millimetre less than the width of the presser foot, so I can get reasonably close, but for something like this with lots of little pieces, the inaccuracies quickly add up.  But hopefully once it’s quilted, the wibbles won’t be as noticeable.
Oh, and the green face is because more realistic colours were too boring 🙂  I was originally going to use shades of brown, but then I found the leaf fabric, which was just so perfect for the background, so I couldn’t use browns for the actual hedgehog without him disappearing completely.  So instead I picked out colours from the leaves, that would pop out a bit more.  I think I succeeded 🙂

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