Phase 2 complete: (Photos taken by Lucy-Jane) Yes, the lights do flash on and off.
Phase 2 complete: (Photos taken by Lucy-Jane) Yes, the lights do flash on and off.
here’s a competition going on along our corridor to decorate your office door for Christmas. So our team have decided to go all-out to try and beat the College Office staff. Phase one of our plan was Lucy-Jane zipping down to Lincraft at lunchtime yesterday to buy a length of calico and some dark green…
oastmasters meeting tonight, and for the first time I was the Toastmaster – the combination of Chairperson and Emcee who runs the meeting, introduces the speakers, and generally keeps everything on track. I was ever so slightly nervous, with so many different things to remember to do and say, but it went really well (well,…
‘m feeling pretty proud of myself – I actually managed to write a little javascript app that works! Doesn’t do anything particularly useful, but that can come later 🙂 The more important thing is, it won me a challenge set by one of my workmates. Because we’re all at different levels of ability as far…
After a lovely evening with the early – arriving book crossers I’m now sitting in kiwiinengland’s hostel room with her and edwardstreet, where we’re all being terribly antisocial in a geeky bookcrosser sort of way sitting here with laptops and tablets registering books and making release notes and eating fudge and drinking wine. and I’m…
Got a surprise on the way home last night – I was walking across the campus when l heard someone call my name. The person talking to me looked familiar, but I couldn’t quite place him. But then, I met a lot of people while I was doing union work, so I’m used to people…
As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been struggling to get back into any sort of creativity. I’ve managed the odd bit here and there, though. Like an attempt at a zentangle (inspired by Yetzirah’s much more artistic versions). I haven’t decided quite which way up it goes yet 🙂 I’m not 100% happy with it, but it…
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This Post Is Marked As Friends Only As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented – but may be again soon This content is therefore hidden
We were in town at the weekend, and saw the ANZ being pulled down: A few other photos from round town: