Phase 2 complete:
(Photos taken by Lucy-Jane)
Yes, the lights do flash on and off.
Phase 2 complete:
(Photos taken by Lucy-Jane)
Yes, the lights do flash on and off.
I basted the flower garden quilt yesterday. Which is just a fancy way of saying I pinned the top, batting and back together so that it’s ready for quilting. Which means you’ve got to spread out the fabrics somewhere you can lay them completely flat before you pin, otherwise you get wrinkles in the backing. …
ou know that quilt-along? The one for Tartankiwi’s birds in flight quilt? The one I worked out I absolutely wouldn’t have time to do? Yeah, I just bought the patterns for it. And I’ll probably go and buy some fabric tomorrow. This is probably (certainly) a very stupid thing to do, because there is no…
Tonight is the first of two Christmas parties I’m hosting this year, this one for my team at work. It’s pot luck, so not a lot of prep needed (except I am my mother’s child, so of course I’ve spent the day cleaning parts of the house that visitors will never see anyway…) Food-wise, my…
Remember what I was saying about saving pictures for a rainy day? Guess what – it was raining this morning. But it had cleared up a bit by the afternoon, so after work I walked home via the university’s wonderful Ilam Gardens, which feature one of the largest collections of rhododendrons in the southern hemisphere,…
ytteltonwitch and I attempted to revive our old tradition of the Christchurch Bookcrossing Christmas Party tonight – a limited success, seeing as so many people have moved away or given up on Bookcrossing, but Rarsberry (plus a mini-berry) and the Gwilks came, so it wasn’t a complete flop. And we had some good food, and…
Second Tuesday of the month meetup tonight, attended by the usual suspects (me, lytteltonwitch, awhina and meerkitten), plus MrPloppy (who’s more of an unusual suspect ;-)). For a change I managed not to come home with any books (I’ve really got to start reading some of Mt TBR before it topples over and kills someone),…
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What a splendiferous tree!!!
Did you win or are others continuing to enter with more and more adventurous entries?
Entries are open until the end of next week, with the winner to be announced at the College Christmas party on the 19th.