Merry Christmas

We went into Latimer Square last night, to the YMCA’s Carols by Candlelight. Bit of a chilly night, with enough of a wind that the candles kept blowing out even with the little protective wind shieldy things they were selling, but it’s always a fun night – I may not appreciate the religious side of…

Pallets and pop-up tearooms

he “Pallet Pavillion” on the site of the old Park Royal was opened today.  It’s another Gap Filler project, a venue for music or community events, or pretty much anything really.  It’s an amazing space, made almost entirely out of old packing pallets, complete with tables and chairs (made out of vege bins) and a…

Pretty pictures

I am totally in love with my new camera.  Even just pointing it randomly at stuff round the room while I tried to get my head around some of its many many many buttons, with no thought at all to composition, produced things of beauty: (Of course, Parsnips would tell you she’s always a thing…


I just spent mumble mumble mumble dollars on a shiny new toy: Those of you who know how much my little point & click camera has annoyed me over the years may be surprised to see the Sony label on the front of that beast, and indeed, that’s not the camera I went into the…

I'm on holiday!

Well, it’s the 22nd, and we’re still here.  And more importantly, I’m on holiday for the next 4 weeks! (Yes, I know I already took a 4-week holiday in April, but due to the weird way HR calculated my leave over the two jobs I’ve been doing, I’m still owed a tonne of leave).  We’re…

The end is nigh… or not

Well, so far the world hasn’t ended.  Although I’ve had various people tell me it’s actually going to end at 11.11 pm, or 12.11 pm, or when it’s midnight on the 21st in America (though they were a bit vague on exactly which time zone), or…. Actually, what I reckon happened is that the Mayan…

20 12 2012

Forget the world ending tomorrow, it’s 20.12.2012 today! (at least for those of us in the part of the world that writes dates the sensible way round…)  And in a couple of hours it’ll be 20.12.2012 20:12, which is seriously cool. I love those sorts of mathematical oddities with dates.  Palindromes (like the 21.02.2012 we…

Cats and birds

I am very very very tired.  Some of that is because I went to my boss’s place for a Christmas party last night (which was really nice – it was a beautiful evening so we sat out in his garden and talked and ate and drank until the sun went down – very relaxing), and…

Moving on

ecember is suddenly upon us, and the round of Christmas/end of year functions has started – I’ve already been to three, and it’s only the 9th.  One was combined with a farewell – Jan, a very-like-minded colleague from another department, is leaving to set up a tea shop in a gap-filler space in the CBD. …


From my travel journal: Saturday 17 November 2012, 7.30 am: In a cafe somewhere in Canberra (I don’t know, I went for a walk, so I could be anywhere…) I really should have started writing this up last night, but sleep was more urgent.  It was a very long day yesterday.  Started at 3.30 am…