Caches and mazes
We went out geocaching again this morning (Lytteltonwitch is trying to meet a milestone for the total number of caches she’s found), but thankfully it wasn’t quite so hot today, especially as we ended up clambering around over rocks and hills again, climbing down from the top of the rocks above the Clock for one cache, and through the rocks at the back of Bridge Hill for another.
After stopping off at Dad’s place for lunch, we went to see a hedge maze that’s been established in the grounds of a cafe on the outskirts of town. It was planted with proper yew hedges, and they’re now tall enough to make a really good maze. At the entrance of the maze were instructions for a series of challenges: to find the centre of the maze, to find a number of hidden checkpoints in the maze, and finally “walk the maze backwards to get to the exit”. So of course, being us, we took the instruction literally, and walked backwards the entire way out of the maze, giggling madly the whole way and every so often missing the corners and walking into the walls. Walking backwards for that distance is surprisingly tough on the thigh muscles – I think I should market it as a new workout craze 😉
We went back to Dad’s for a barbeque for dinner. With the number of big family dinners I’ve had the last couple of days, I won’t need to eat again for weeks (except the boys are coming back up to Christchurch with us tomorrow, so I think I’ll actually be living on junk food for the next few days…)