Lights, colours, and …aerobics?
aught the bus over to Lytteltonwitch’s place tonight (conveniently, the bus that stops across the street from my house goes past the end of her street), and we walked into town from there to see the FESTA (Festival of Transitional Architecture) light displays. It was a very cold night, but there were loads of people in town, and a great atmosphere. They’d closed off a few roads, and as well as the artworks there were food stalls and games and music and just a lot of people having fun. We watched bellydancers, joined in a mass aerobics class (well, attempted to, anyway – I’d like to blame the fact that I was carrying my camera and tripod for the fact that I couldn’t keep up with all the moves, but the truth is I’m just utterly uncoordinated!), played extreme hopscotch, ate dinner in reverse (it started with cake and ended with bacon butties), stalked a steampunk spaceman, and took a LOT of photos. Which I’m too tired to sort through now, so they’ll have to wait until tomorrow.
A seriously fun night!