It did
uckily, the rain stopped during the night, and it turned into a lovely day today. Which I was very glad to see, because I had a lot of walking to do today, seeing as I’d promised to deliver those flyers for the Greens, and today was my last chance to do so (the election is next Saturday, and NZ has really strict laws about not advertising political parties on the day of the election itself). So even if it had still been raining, I would have had go out walking the streets and dropping flyers in letterboxes – the sunshine made it a much more pleasant experience.
The area I was allocated is in Bishopdale, which is the next suburb over, and one of those places that’s tricky to get to by bus, especially at the weekend when buses are pretty infrequent. I looked up how to get there on Metroinfo’s route finder, and it was going to involve three buses and take more than half an hour, and I knew I could walk over there quicker than that, so that was an easy decision to make 😉 The actual delivering the flyers took me a couple of hours, but I broke it up by stopping for brunch at a cafe along the way, so it wasn’t exactly onerous 🙂
Obviously the other political parties had been doing the flyer runs too – I noticed flyers for Labour and one of the minor parties in quite a few letterboxes as I was dropping my flyers in, and I think at one point I was following the Labour guy – there was certainly someone about half a block ahead of me also dropping something into letterboxes, and it looked like the bundle of flyers he was carrying had a lot of red on them. With only a week to go, it’s definitely political flyer season!