Back at work
I probably should have taken another day off, because I’m still not feeling great (this is the worst cold I’ve had in ages – apparently there’s loads of people laid low by it), but I was feeling just well enough to come in to work (and enough of a combination of bored and guilty to not want to stay at home 😉 ).
Anyway, I wanted to check that a project I’ve been working on for the last few months, and which was due to go live on Monday, had all gone well (it had 🙂 ). It’s quite a small collection, but I think a very important one (and it has a Bookcrossing connection, because I learnt about the material through a conversation with Edwardstreet at a meetup in Wellington) – it’s a series of videos produced by a group of people with intellectual disabilities, talking about their experiences in the earthquakes. The IHC produced the videos to be used in seminars to help prepare people with disabilities for natural disasters (and to teach Civil Defence that there are many different needs people have after disaster – not all victims are “normal”). They’re amazing videos, and the group is an incredible initiative – I wrote about it in a bit more depth on the CEISMIC blog.
I love projects like this, that share the experiences of sectors of society that might otherwise be forgotten. It feels like we’re really giving something back to the community by making sure their stories won’t be forgotten.