Another one?

Election day is looming, and the campaigning is hotting up. I had five pieces of mail in my letterbox when I got home this evening, and they’re all from political parties. Most went straight in the recycling bin as junk mail, but one I’m considering – a letter from James Dann, the local Labour candidate, asking me if I would host a sign supporting him alongside the “Party vote Green” sign currently residing on my fence.  I may well say yes – even though I haven’t been all that impressed by Labour as a whole lately, they’re still on vaguely the correct side of the political spectrum, and I was impressed by James himself the one time I met him.  Plus, even though the letter was a form letter that was obviously being sent to everyone with a Greens sign, it had an actual signature on it that was obviously written with a pen, not just scanned and printed, and anyone who takes the time to do that gets bonus points from me 🙂
At this rate, my fence is going to have more opinions than I do…

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