Rain, rain go away
fter a week of lovely spring weather, even managing to reach the low 20s for a couple of days, it’s back to being cold and wet and miserable again. I’d planned on going out to deliver those flyers today, but it was just too wet, so I’ll have to do them tomorrow – the forecast is looking slightly better, at least. So instead today has been devoted to such constructive tasks as catching up on random corners of the internet, playing a few computer games, and using the excuse of having a cat on my lap as a really good reason for not doing any of the million or so things I could/should be doing with my spare time.
And now I think I’ll go and light the fire, because it’s definitely going to be a cold enough night to warrant it, and then I might settle down in front of it with some cross-stitch and a DVD. Some days, lazy is good 🙂