Frustrating day

The university’s file servers have been playing up for the last couple of days, so all the computers have been running incredibly slowly, and today it got even worse.  Every time you try to open a folder (or even just switch from one window to another) it would take a couple of minutes to respond,…

Back at work

I probably should have taken another day off, because I’m still not feeling great (this is the worst cold I’ve had in ages – apparently there’s loads of people laid low by it), but I was feeling just well enough to come in to work (and enough of a combination of bored and guilty to…


hursday afternoons are geek-out time for the CEISMIC team.  That’s when we have what we call our “Wizard Club” (because programming seems very much like magic when you’re learning it) – a combination of staff training and R&D time, which we use for things like building handy apps and tools to improve our workflow, sharing…

Lunch with Sam Neill

just had lunch with Sam Neill. Ok, not really, but I did have lunch in his vicinity, at the same event he was at. That totally counts, right? 🙂  I was at one of those “free pizza for everyone!” welcome events for new students being given by the School of Humanities and Creative Arts (which…


y shiny new YHA membership card arrived today. It is shiny, in fact, because when my membership expired last month the reminder came with an offer to upgrade to a lifetime gold membership for a reduced price. And when I did the calculations, I worked out that over the years I’ve renewed my membership enough…

Hate it when that happens

Nope, that definitely doesn’t line up. Even though I spent ages checking and double-checking and was sure it lined up properly before I sewed the final seam, I must have moved it slightly while I was sewing it and now it is just off enough to be totally noticeable (to me, anyway), so I’m going…

Assorted things

I think Mum is having as much fun with my new patchwork/quilting obsession as I am – she keeps sending me little packages of fabric to feed my ever-growing stash.  Yesterday a parcel arrived from her via Trademe, with this fantastic selection: None of the pieces are huge, but they don’t need to be for…

Looking for friends

eeling very proud today – the project I’ve been working on for the last five months or so came to fruition, with the official (soft) launch of Friends of CEISMIC, a scheme where volunteers come in and work on the archive alongside the team.  It’s very exciting, as it’s been entirely my project through the…

Belated maze video

emember ages ago Lytteltonwitch and I were down in Alexandra, and I said we’d greatly amused ourselves by walking backwards out of a maze, and I promised to show you a video?  And then I didn’t?  Well, finally I managed to get the video edited (mainly just removing the “um, I think I’m recording, I’m…