On the wall
I don’t think I’ve shown you the latest additions to my wall(s) of art.
This guy Mum found for me on Trademe:
(Despite appearances, it really is hanging straight – it’s just that I had to stand at a bit of an odd angle to get the photo without too many reflections in the glass (and I see now I still managed to get some…))
And these little visual puns I bought from Etsy a while back, but only just got round to framing:
They’re only tiny, but they amuse my not-so-inner geek 🙂
Explanation for a Luddite please.
Why do you call the wee ones puns?
Love the slinky cat. I wonder what it had its eye on.
I don’t know if pun is the right word for it, but that’s how they struck me when I first saw them.
The owl is titled “Dr Whooo” – the fez and bow-tie are iconic of the eleventh Dr Who, Matt Smith.
The rainbow and box is titled “Schrodinger’s Nyan Cat” – it’s a combination of Nyan Cat (which was an internet meme popular a while back featuring a cartoon cat flying through space trailing a rainbow) and Schrodinger’s Cat (the quantum physics thought experiment that describes a cat trapped in a box, which is equally in a state of being alive and being dead until someone opens the box to check).
Clear as mud? 🙂