Introducing myself
ēnā koutou katoa,
Ko Kopuwai te maunga,
Ko Mata-au te awa,
Ko Ngāti Pākehā te iwi,
Ko MacMillan te hapū,
Nō Ōtākou au,
Kei Ōtautahi ahau e noho ana,
He CEISMIC Production Coordinator taku mahi,
Ko FutureCat taku ingoa,
Nā reira, tēnā koutou katoa.
Greetings to you all,
Kopuwai (the Old Man Range in Central Otago) is my mountain,
Mata-au (the Clutha River) is my river,
Pākehā (i.e. non-Māori) is my tribe,
MacMillan is my sub-tribe (or in my case, my clan),
I come from Otago,
I live in Christchurch now,
My job is CEISMIC Production Coordinator,
My name is FutureCat,
And so I greet you all.
That’s the mihi I wrote (with a huge amount of help!) yesterday, to be able to properly introduce myself. Even though I was born in Dunedin, I chose Central Otago landmarks for my river and mountain because the landscape of Central is where I feel the most connection to, and the Old Man Range and the Clutha define what Central looks like to me. Putting MacMillan in there as my hapū is a bit cheeky, but it’s in tribute to my Grandda’, who was proud of his MacMillan ancestry (and no, Lytteltonwitch, we don’t try and claim any castles ;-)) – and reflecting your whakapapa is what that part of the mihi is supposed to be all about. So I reckon it’s appropriate.
Now I’ve just got to learn it (and practice my pronunciation a lot more – some of those diphthongs are tricky!)
Oh! My Goodness! Well done.
It’s not quite as impressive as it sounds – they gave us a basic template with gaps to fill in, and had fluent Te Reo speakers available to help out as well, so my part in writing it was pretty minimal!
My mountain, my river, my tribe, my clan. I LOVE that!
It’s lovely, isn’t it – I’ve always liked that concept that your connection to the land and to your people is what’s really important about you.