From my travel journal: Friday 8 April, 8.45 am
Lubbock, Texas
A very late night last night, as we all were reaching the end of our supplies of clean clothes so had to hit the motel’s laundry after dinner. There was only one machine, so it took a long time for our two loads to go through, and then even longer waiting for another guest to finish with the dryer. We ended up taking shifts at sitting down in the laundry room with a book, and it was well after midnight by the time it was finished. And then FOS decided to watch a movie on TV – I’m beginning to get an insight into why the girls are always late getting up in the mornings (last night was the first time I’ve shared a room with them since the hostel in San Francisco, because all of the places we’ve been staying in have only had double rooms, so we’ve had to get three rooms).