Can you guess what it is yet?
Forget the world ending tomorrow, it’s 20.12.2012 today! (at least for those of us in the part of the world that writes dates the sensible way round…) And in a couple of hours it’ll be 20.12.2012 20:12, which is seriously cool. I love those sorts of mathematical oddities with dates. Palindromes (like the 21.02.2012 we…
As you can probably guess by the frequency of updates to my diary, things haven’t really quietened down yet. Work is still busy, I’ve got huge amounts of work to do study-wise, and the ESOL classes on Tuesday nights aren’t helping, because I have to go straight there from work to get there in time,…
[album 128913 021205fun1.jpg]Gwilk with the groaning table full of books at the beginning of the afternoon. [album 128913 021205fun2.jpg]The “Free Books” sign shifted to a more sensible position. Having it hanging from the umbrella was wonderfully visible, except that the wind kept catching it, making the umbrella spin round, and occasionally hitting a “customer” in…
[Note: this diary entry is a copy of an article I have submitted to the newsletter.] What do you do with 75 Reader’s Digest Condensed Books? If you’re a Bookcrosser, then the answer is easy: “Release them!” But if you’re lytteltonwitch, you come up with something a lot more creative… Exactly why she was…
Back working on my models again. I thought I’d be almost finished by now, but last week I discovered I’d missed a couple of crucial steps from the process, so I pretty much had to start from scratch again (not quite, because a lot of the work I’d done before will be useful, but still…
to say I’m still alive (don’t worry Mum, it was just a cold, I wasn’t actually dying of pneumonia :-)), I’m in Maryland at Buffra’s parents’ place, and we’re about to hit the road on our American Road Trip. Brad Pitt here we come! 😉 Chicago was great, Ottawa was great, and the bits of…