From Ashburton to Colorado!
I got a PM from mecka-antics last night – he’d seen the catch notification on his book, and was very excited that had been caught, because it was the second book he’d released, way back when he first joined bookcrossing. So it’s been out there in the wild for a couple of years. Wonder what adventures it’s had in that time?
Another cool e-mail that arrived last night was a catch from Crown Court by James Follett, which I released in Ashburton on our way back from Timaru a few weeks back. It was caught by an American tourist, who’s taken it back home to Boulder, Colorado, and is going to re-release it there. It’s always exciting when a book gets to travel such a long way. And it’s funny how it always seems to be the most unlikely books that get to do it!
Currently reading: Dressing Up for the Carnival by Carol Shields
Currently listening to: Don’t Let’s Go to the Dogs Tonight: An African Childhood by Alexandra Fuller
Do you think if I put a bookcrossing sticker on my backside I could travel as far as those books do????