It's the second Tuesday of the month…
…and that means it’s Bookcrossing meetup night. Back to Cafe Bleu again (but we’ve decided to go somewhere else next time – we’re all getting a bit bored with them now), and a smallish turn-out: me, Alithia, awhina, lytteltonwitch, and MonkeCatcher. Most of the conversation centred, unsurprisingly, around the rapidly approaching BCNZ Convention, as at least four of the five of us will be going (and I think we almost had MonkeCatcher convinced to join us by the end of the evening, so it could be five for five).
I took along A Long Fatal Love Chase by Louisa May Alcott, The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, Under the Duvet by Marian Keyes and Clara’s Heart by Joseph Olshan, and only brought home In a Strange Garden: The Life and Times of Truby King by Lloyd Chapman, so for a change I actually managed to reduce the net number of books in the house (for a while, anyway).
Currently reading: Star Wars: Cloak of Deception by James Luceno