The goodies are assembled
Lytteltonwitch and Cathietay came round last night, and over a few pizzas we assembled the convention goody bags. Lytteltonwitch was in charge of putting the logos on the calico bags we made a month or so ago, using iron-on transfers she’d printed from her computer (isn’t technology wonderful?), while Cathietay, rarsberry and I made up 24 little piles of goodies, one pile for each attendee. Once we actually collected all the bits and pieces together in one place, we had an impressive amount – hopefully people will be happy with all the little surprises they’re getting in their bags.
Ready to start: the goodies all laid out.
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The goodies sorted into 24 piles (with very little floor space left for walking!)
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Lyttletonwitch putting the transfers on the bags (note the Easter Bunny earrings!)
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A finished bag
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The final product: 24 bags filled with exciting goodies (the two with ribbons are for the children)
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As well as assorted labels, badges, bookmarks, notepads, and other exciting goodies, each bag had two books in it. I was going to list them all here (mainly for my own reference), but the Bookcrossing site is down for repairs this morning, so I can’t get in to check the titles etc. So I’ll have to add that later.
Later in the evening, ORNOT came round, and we had a debate team meeting to plan for the great “celebrity” debate tomorrow night. Luckily it’s only a fun thing, because I don’t think our arguments are going to be all that convincing… 😉
We thought that littlemave and mavette’s flight was coming in at about 11, so we’d planned to surprise them by meeting them at the airport, to save them getting a taxi. At about 10.30, I thought I’d better check the flight number etc, so found the email littlemave had sent me with all the details, only to discover that I’d misremembered, and the flight actually came in at 10, so we’d completely missed it! Five minutes later, there was a knock at the door, and it was littlemave and mavette, singing Christmas Carols and bearing another exotic flavour of TimTams (black forest, this time).
[album 128913 timtams.JPG thumblink]
Despite them arriving earlier than I’d anticipated, it was still well after midnight by the time we stopped talking, got beds sorted out, so we’re all a bit tired this morning – still, we can sleep on Tuesday…
Currently reading: Reading? Who’s got time for reading? I’ve got a convention to run!