And we're back!

DD was down for a couple of weeks, and it’s amazing how much the urge to blog strikes when you don’t have a platform!  Of course, now that it’s back, I can’t remember any of the stuff I wanted to write about, so I’ll have to content myself with pretty pictures of crafty things I…

Films and Flight

I decided it was about time I got round to finishing off the Birds in Flight quilt (which I feel like I started about a million years ago), so I spent the weekend working on the connecting bits for the strip of birds to go on the back. I didn’t get it finished, but I…

Small people and musicals

I’ve been using a couple of random bits of fabric and batting as a practice quilt sandwich, for checking tension and trying out new quilting patterns before I actually start quilting something. I’d completely filled up the piece with stitching, so I was about to throw it out and replace it with some new scraps,…

Preparing and repairing

I spent the afternoon basting the little squares quilt, so hopefully I’ll be able to start quilting it tomorrow.  I’m so looking forward to quilting this one, both because I just love the colours so much so I want to see it finished, and also because I’ve been planning out how to quilt it.  I’ve…

All the little squares

I finally finished the quilt top for the Little Squares quilt!  SO MANY seams to match!  I am starting to understand why people put sashing between quilt blocks.  I’m really pleased with how it looks, though: Now I’ve just got to quilt it. I’ve got a few ideas for what I want to do, but…

Lots of little squares

Finished making the nine-patches.  All 113 of them. I’m slowly getting better at getting all the seams to match up with each other properly (nine-patches are very good practice for that!). I haven’t got as far as actually sewing the blocks together (too much of a social life this weekend, going out to a Toastmasters…

Spare half hours

Ages ago I asked Deb Robertson how she manages to produce so many quilts while juggling work and children, and she told me she makes a lot of use of those spare half hours at the beginning and end of the day, when you can sew a few seams, or cut a few pieces, even…