Stewart Island

What, a blog post about a convention that was only two weeks ago?  What is this madness?? So, yes, the Aus/NZ Bookcrossing convention (or unconvention, technically) was the weekend before last, on Stewart Island.  Stewart Island is not the most obvious place for a convention (for the foreigners, it’s that little island at the very…

Golden Bay Part 3

Sunday We were up and about way too early for breakfast again, so we decided to make the most of the fine morning and headed back up into the Aorere Valley to the Salisbury Falls.  The waterfall is quite a small one, but you could see from the surrounding rocks that it must be a…

Golden Bay part 1

k, I know I promised to tell you all about my holiday when I got back, and I really did intend to spend yesterday sorting out all my photos and making release notes and writing it all up, but I ended up having a totally lazy day instead and got absolutely nothing done.  And most…

Wellington notes

As promised, notes from my Wellington trip.  They’re a bit disjointed, because I didn’t keep a proper travel diary, just noted down things that I wanted to remember to include in my blog.  Of course, I could write them up into proper paragraphs and stuff, but where’s the fun in that? 😉 Wednesday There’s a…