What I made in 2018

(Very late (blame the Flickr debacle) and I know I’m way behind on blog posts (and vlogs), but I’ll get there eventually – life has been busy!) Projects completed in 2018: January I made a lot of progress on projects, but didn’t actually finish any of them. February Lego Quilt March Birds in Flight quilt…

What I read in 2018

(Very late posting this list, but here it is…) Total = 116 books January (12) Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher (e-book) I Think You’ll Find It’s a Bit More Complicated Than That by Ben Goldacre Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (e-book) Solo by Kwame Alexander (library audio book) Shape by Shape: Free Motion Quilting…

That escalated quickly

Life took an interesting turn on Friday.  For the past few months, I’ve been getting increasingly run-down feeling, and had a few random low-grade symptoms I’d put down to stress (including, on the eve of the conference I presented at a couple of weeks ago, my already bad eyesight getting exponentially worse – but, you…

It's been a while

Usual excuses – too busy doing stuff to write about it (though I did make a few more videos, which may have contributed to the lack of blog posts – videos are fun to make, but incredibly time-consuming to edit, and by the time I’ve sat at the computer for long enough to do that,…

Block of the Whenever #9

I was originally going to make a Friendship Star for this block, but a traditional Friendship Star only uses one fabric (other than the background), and I wanted to include at least one solid along with each print.  So I decided to make it a Double Friendship Star instead. For this block, unlike all the…

All the meetings

hat was a very busy week.  Despite being a short one.  And totally dominated by meetings.  As I think I mentioned, Tuesday was our planning day, so that was one big day-long meeting, only interrupted by lunch (which we all had together at a nearby cafe – we did manage to avoid talking shop too…