Three more patterns (and a picnic)
“Square meander”
“Nesting boxes” – further proof that I’m not good at the structured, regular stuff. Of course, I could have done something sensible like draw in chalk guidelines first, but where’s the fun in that?
And then work ground to a halt because I ran out of cotton. So I’ll have to walk over to Hands tomorrow and get some more (several reels this time – if I’ve used up an entire 500m reel in just 7 squares, the whole 25-square quilt is going to need a lot of thread!). I’ve got to walk over that way in the morning anyway, because I’m feeding Rosalee’s chickens while she’s away.
Went on a picnic yesterday with Harvestbird and her family, and some friends of theirs. It was a perfect day for a picnic, warm and sunny but not overly so, and we spent a lovely few hours sitting under a tree eating and talking while the assorted children ran around the gardens. My daisy-chain making (and repairing) skills were in much demand from the elder of the mini-Harvestbirds (although she was initially disappointed that it turned out to be a daisy chain and not a daisy train). I’d spent the morning making focaccia bread, which went down very well with everyone (including Harvestbird’s Italian friend, so I must have done it right 🙂 ). A most enjoyable day.