My tray runneth over
Lytteltonwitch mentioned this morning that she was going back to the bead shop to get more string, which was my mission for the day as well, so we arranged to meet in town (after a very quick dash on my part to have my shower and get to the bus stop on time).
At the bead shop we didn’t buy as much string as we’d intended, because when we worked out how much more we needed, the assistant suggested it might be cheaper to buy a whole roll, rather than buying it by the metre. But he wasn’t able to give us an exact price for a roll, so he suggested coming back on Monday to talk to the manager, which lytteltonwitch is going to do. We were both starting to go into bookstring-making withdrawal, though, so we bought a few metres each in the meantime to keep us going 🙂
We stopped off at Coffee Club for lunch (or breakfast in my case – I really wasn’t organised this morning!), where I had some rather odd pancakes with bananas and bacon. Well, actually the pancakes weren’t that odd; what was odd was that alongside the bacon was a scoop of icecream! Ok, so on the menu, it did list basic pancakes as coming with icecream, but had bacon and bananas as an option. I rather stupidly assumed that if you chose the bacon option, it would be *instead* of the icecream, not as well as. I can now state categorically that bacon does not go well with icecream.
After lunch/breakfast/strange bacony-icecreamy stuff, we visited a couple of $2 shops, where we may have bought one or two more beads, and then I raided lytteltonwitch’s already extensive collection of beads (she has the same obsessive approach to crafts as she does to bookcrossing), and then went to another bead shop, and… I kind of ended up with quite a lot of beads:
Turning that lot into bookstrings should keep me occupied for a wee while!