Definitely not an eskimo
Unless, of course, it’s an eskimo disguised as sunflowers…
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There’s a lot more of the picture to go, though, so maybe there’ll be an eskimo sitting beside the sunflowers… 😉
Meetup (or TGFKAM) last night, which was supposed to be at Cafe Bleu, a cafe/restaurant where we often have meetups. We hardly ever have to book, because Tuesday nights aren’t busy, so normally lytteltonwitch (who knows the owner) just pops in sometime in the morning and asks him to keep our usual table for us. Except that yesterday was Cup Day, the day that half of Christchurch get dressed up in their finery to spend the day at the races and then go out for dinner in the evening… and every restaurant in Christchurch gets totally booked out. The coincidence of Cup Day and meetup day didn’t occur to any of us, until lytteltonwitch went into the cafe yesterday morning to reserve our table and discovered they were fully booked for the entire night. Oops.
Anyway, we ended up going to KFC (and even that was full of fancily-dressed people – obviously the ones who’d lost a few too many bets!), and left a message with the barman at Cafe Bleu for any bookcrossers who turned up there, and despite the confusion still managed to have an ok meetup – as well as me and lytteltonwitch there was awhina, meerkitten, and Marcie130. For a change, all of the books I brought along were picked up (Dead Famous by Ben Elton, A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle, The Crocodile Bird by Ruth Rendell, Waiting for Godalming by Robert Rankin, and The Patternmaker by Lucy Sussex), and only picked up two (One Hit Wonderland by Tony Hawks and A Long Fatal Love Chase by Louisa May Alcott). Which means the sum total of books in my house has decreased (in theory, anyway…)
Currently reading: Lambs of God by Marele Day