
Yesterday was another day packed with activities.  I went up to visit Dad in the morning, and he suggested we take a drive out to Butcher’s Dam, a scenic spot just down the road from Alexandra.  DOC have put in walking tracks around the Dam (which apparently was originally built as a reservoir to provide…

Production line

(Warning to family-type people who read this blog: there are Christmas-present spoilers below.  If you don’t want the surprise ruined, stop reading now.  Alternatively, if anything really catches your eye, let me know and I’ll make sure that one’s your present 🙂 ) anuary and the start of my masters is looming large, so I’m…

I can has sleep nao?

ast night was fun, but I didn’t get home until 11.30 – which wouldn’t have been a problem except that I had to get up at 6 to catch the complicated series of buses to get me over to New Brighton (getting anywhere by bus on a Sunday morning is not fun – when I…