So much news

And the DD site has been down for days, so I couldn’t post anything. And of course I wasn’t so sensible as to just write my entries up in Notepad and copy and paste them in, so I’m sure I’ll forget some of the really cool and important stuff I was going to tell you…

Falafels and an oops

uarter to seven, and I’m still at work.  Don’t worry, I’m not actually working though – I’m not high enough up the food chain to be willing to do unpaid overtime!  I was putting the final touches on my presentation on Bislama that we’re giving to the local Vanuatu community on Sunday, then I remembered…

Still alive

ust very very busy.  I’ve got a month to go before my final project is due for my LING paper, and it’s absorbing almost every spare moment.  I am trying to stick to my rule of at least taking an afternoon off every weekend so I can catch up with friends or do something relaxing,…

And breathe…

irst term of the semester is over, and I handed my first big assignment in yesterday, so I can pause and relax – well, for a couple of days, at least.  I’ve got another assignment due in three weeks, so I’ll have to work on that over the break.  And of course, I’ll still be…

Radio Silence

espite appearances, I haven’t disappeared off the face of the earth.  I’ve just been kind of busy.  Semester started two weeks ago, and it was very much a case of straight in the deep end as far as workload goes.  I’m loving the course though – it’s much more hands-on than the last paper I…