Look what just arrived
Thanks, Yetzirah, it’s absolutely gorgeous!
Thanks, Yetzirah, it’s absolutely gorgeous!
Mum posted up the bookmarks I’d left behind at her place (because they hadn’t properly dried yet) when we were down there: I call them my crazy cat ladies with bling (except you can’t really see the bling in the scan – they’ve got glittery and jewelled accessories). She’d also included a few she’d made…
Ok, despite what it says on the date above, today is actually 2 January 2006, and as usual, I have left finishing telling the story of my trip to Australia far too late, so I’ve forgotten most of it (although I’ve still got my list of books I released, which helps a bit). But I’ll…
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
The first part of our bookcrossing adventure was picking Wombles up from the airport on Wednesday night. We had it all planned: lytteltonwitch would pick me up just before 9 pm, we’d collect Wombles from the airport at 9, and then come back to my place where Wombles and lytteltonwitch were staying the night. The…
Greetings to all the LiveJournallers who’ve managed to figure out the comments system here! (and to those who haven’t, keep banging the rocks together clicking on the “Add” button guys :-)) Someone left a private comment asking what the logo on the bags looked like. I wasn’t sure whether you meant the logo on the…
Yayyy!!! It’s Christmas Eve!!! One more sleep ’til Christmas! And even better, two more weeks before I have to go back to work!!! MrPloppy and I hosted our almost-traditional (we’ve done it three times now, which is nearly a tradition) Bookcrossing Christmas party on Friday night. We were supposed to be starting at 7.30, but…