Stationery Pr0n
As predicted, I was incredibly tired yesterday after the busy weekend and late nights. The warm muggy weather didn’t help much, either – by mid-afternoon I thought I was going to fall asleep at my desk. I did manage to last out until 5 o’clock, though, and raced home to heat up the leftover chinese because lytteltonwitch, Sherlockfan, and discoverylover were stopping off here for tea on their way to the airport.
I tagged along with them to the airport to say goodbye, then lytteltonwitch came back for a coffee, but it wasn’t a late night this time, as we were both flagging. Once she left, I didn’t last long before heading to bed for some much-needed sleep.
I probably should be having an early night again tonight, because I’m still not completely caught up on my sleep, but it was meetup night tonight (yes, I know it’s only two days since the last one, but that was a special meetup, and this is our regular one), so I haven’t been home long. I did manage to take a couple of books along this time: I Couldn’t Cry When Daddy Died by Iris Galey and The Insatiable Moon by Michael Riddell. And wonder of wonders, I didn’t pick any up (well, apart from one book that awhina wanted me to release for her at the university). It was quite a big group for a change: me, awhina (sans family for a change), lytteltonwitch, keenreda, angela7715, and two new members, Bluecod and Shalomar. I don’t think Bluecod really knew what bookcrossing is about and I got the impression our group wasn’t quite what he expected, so I don’t know if we’ll see him back again, but Shalomar seemed really keen.
No sign of our two women from the Arts Centre, though 🙁
When I got home, I found a big box waiting for me, from Skyring. And what a treasure trove when I opened it! All sorts of goodies from Levenger (Warning: Link contains stationery pr0n. Do not open if you are easily tempted.) to make myself a travel journal for my trip, plus some other bits and pieces – tim tams (of course!), bookmarks, a few photos, and a book: the highly appropriate The Riddle and the Knight by Giles Milton – that has just got to go travelling with me!
I spent the next half hour or so oohing and aahing over the goodies, and am already in love with the Circa system. I’ve heard people raving about it for ages, and now I can see why – it’s one of those amazingly clever products that works exactly as it should. And it’s so incredibly flexible!
I can see a lot of playing with it over the next two months while I design (and test!) the perfect bookcrossing travel journal 🙂
Currently reading: Wicked by Gregory Maguire
Currently listening to: The Mammoth Hunters by Jean M Auel
57 sleeps to go!