I just had a phone call from the boss to tell me my leave for April has been approved.
London (and everywhere else) here I come!!!
I just had a phone call from the boss to tell me my leave for April has been approved.
London (and everywhere else) here I come!!!
Spam is getting weirder. I assume the strange (and apparently randomly generated) subject lines are an attempt to bypass spam filters, but would anyone really want to open an email sent to them with the subject line “Your future, wilt disease”??? Anyway, as planned, we (lytteltonwitch, awhina and I) spent the weekend in Dunedin for…
Guess what I’m doing tomorrow? 😀 I really should be working (I’ve got a lot to do if I want to clear my desk by 5), but excitement is getting the better of me, and I just can’t stop going and checking the Conventions and Meetings forum and convention website for news updates, and LiveJournal…
Apparently it’s some sort of obscure American holiday tomorrow 😉 so Jenny’s having a party. I promised to bring a cake, but when I got home I wasn’t feeling in a particularly cake-making mood. I really should have listened to that feeling, but I did promise cake, so I hit the kitchen. I need to…
Sorry, this is going to be another entry about cats, but something scary just happened: Ming had some sort of seizure. He was just sitting there watching me, as he does, and I noticed he had one of his front paws up by his head like he was scratching his ear, but he wasn’t scratching…
Last night, I went with gwilk and Mrs gwilk to a games evening hosted by one of the other women in the film club (which is to be officially known as “Chick Flicks”). I haven’t been to a proper games evening in years, and had forgotten how much fun they can be. There were eight…
The m-bag from nekki2976 finally arrived this week. It was HUGE!!! The poor postman almost ruptured himself lifting it out of the van (as did MrPloppy when he brought it inside!) A few of the boxes inside had come apart in transit, but luckily none of the books were damaged. And what a treasure of…
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Now get booking 🙂
Oops, that was me 🙂