A catch from Sydney!!!
Ok, so I still haven’t finished writing up my diary entries for Sydney (it’s not the writing that’s slowing me down, it’s the uploading all the photos), but I just got an email telling me that one of the books I released there has been caught and journalled! And not only caught and journalled, but caught and journalled by someone on holiday from the UK, who has taken the book back to Wales and released it there! I’m a very happy cat 🙂
The Secret Hide-Out by John Peterson
I suspect the bookring flood is about to begin again, after a bit of a dry spell – I’ve had several PMs over the last week asking for my address so people can send books on to me, and The Daydreams and Doodles Journal arrived today. It’s a fun idea – a book filled with almost-blank pages, which have suggestions for what you might want to draw or write on them. Everyone who receives the journal gets to pick a page to complete (or you can just add a little bit to several pages). It’s been round 17 people so far, and is filled with all sorts of fascinating stuff – including a copy of someone’s brain scan!!! Might have to dedicate some time over the weekend to having a proper look at everyone else’s entries, and try and get some inspiration for my own.
Currently reading: The Trapp Family Singers by Maria von Trapp (the orginal story for The Sound of Music), and Somebodies and Nobodies: Overcoming the Abuse of Rank by Robert W. Fuller.