Yule be bookringed

I’ve decided to turn Yule Be Mine into a bookring. I’ve put a notice on the Bookcrossing forums, and I’ll collect up the names of anyone who wants to read the book, arrange them in some sort of vaguely sensible mailing order, then pass the book to the first person on the list. Once they’ve…

Easter here we come…

It’s been all go on the convention front for the last couple of days – at the meetup on Tuesday night, Cathietay and her husband daveytay volunteered to help out with the convention organising, and we sat down together with lytteltonwitch and worked out a few more details. We decided to go with one of…

Convention Planning

Lytteltonwitch came round on Sunday to pick up her jacket (which she’d left behind on Christmas Eve), and while chatting, we realised how much work there still is to do planning the convention, and how fast Easter is approaching. So we set ourselves some deadlines: we’re going to try and get everything costed out by…

Throwing away books

There’s something about books that makes them really hard to throw away. This morning I was registering some more of the books Lytteltonwitch gave me, and came across a couple that were damaged beyond my limited book-repair skills. One had obviously been chewed on by a dog, which in itself isn’t always fatal for a…

I've become official

I think I’ve mentioned that we used to use Meetup.com to organise our local Bookcrossing meetups, but gave it up after some problems, and started using a website which I host. Well, a while back Meetup.com changed the way they run things, and asked for volunteers to organise meetups locally, rather than them just deciding…

A hitch and a catch

You know that plan I had for registering all my “personal collection” books? Well, I’ve hit a bit of a hitch already – I’ve lost my wings. Ok, I can see that might need some explanation. Bookcrossing, as I’ve mentioned before, is completely free to join, but they do need to get some money to…