They're here….
(said in an appropriately creepy horror film voice, of course)
The Outlaws arrived safely yesterday morning – incredibly tired of course, after the stupidly long trip and all the time-zone changes, but they bravely managed to stay awake for the rest of the day. Amazingly, the weather turned beautiful yesterday for their arrival – it’s gone grey and miserable again today, of course, but at least their first glimpse of the country was under a blue sky. We went for a walk later in the afternoon with the dual purpose of stretching tired legs and checking out a few nearby campervan hire places, and it almost got too hot, but there was enough of a cool breeze to keep it pleasant. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get some more of that kind of weather while they’re here – pity about that big low sitting off the coast of Australia sending nastier stuff our way 🙁
I’m not sure exactly what their plans are yet (I don’t think they are either – it sounds like they’re going to just get a campervan and then play it by ear from then on), so I don’t know if they’ll want us to go anywhere with them, or if they’d rather go off on their own. If there’s another huge gap in my diary entries, you’ll know they’ve chosen the former option and we’ve disappeared off somewhere with them.
Currently reading: Slow Birds by Ian Watson