Planes and cards
Another late start, with the boys not getting up until late morning. Still, it gave me a couple of hours to get stuff done while they were sleeping 🙂
After a stop at Church Corner for lunch and to check out computer parts, today’s big mission was a visit to the Air Force Museum. The boys really enjoyed it, and I found enough to keep me interested. While we were still at the museum, Dad texted to say they’d arrived in Christchurch, so I gave him directions and he came and met us there, then we headed back to my place for the kids to play computer games and Dad and I to do a bit of work around the house.
After takeaways for dinner, we taught the boys to play euchre (Niece sat on my knee and “helped”). After a rocky start, they picked it up pretty quickly, and by the second game were playing quite well. Nephew #2 and I just managed to beat Dad and Nephew #1 – and any day I can beat Dad at cards is a very good one!
Plan for tomorrow is that Niece and I are having a special “girls only” adventure (whatever that means – everyone keeps laughing at the idea of me spending a day doing “girly” things (yeah, actually, I have my doubts too…)) to make up for the fact that she’s only here for a short visit. Meanwhile, Dad has a list of jobs for the boys to help him with. So everyone’s having an early(er) night in preparation…