The return of the book tree
ytteltonwitch and I attempted to revive our old tradition of the Christchurch Bookcrossing Christmas Party tonight – a limited success, seeing as so many people have moved away or given up on Bookcrossing, but Rarsberry (plus a mini-berry) and the Gwilks came, so it wasn’t a complete flop. And we had some good food, and played a couple of games (supplied by the Gwilks, of course – you can always rely on them to bring a few games along to any party), and then after all had departed to get respective small people to bed, Lytteltonwitch and I revived another important Christchurch Bookcrossing traditon: the Christmas Book Tree.
Lytteltonwitch’s (in)famous little red Santa dress has been replaced by an elf suit, but otherwise the tradition is intact (complete with forgetting once again to bring a step-ladder, so being restricted to only hanging the books from the low branches that we could reach from the ground).
All is right with the world.
(Well, except for the fact that I’ve just realised it’s 5 minutes past midnight, so technically I didn’t post this on Saturday night, which means I’ve broken my posting every day streak. But I reckon whatever the clock says, this still counts as a Saturday post, so I’m calling my streak unbroken!)