I can has sleep nao?
ery tiring day today. It got off to a bad start when I was woken up at 3.30 am – I’m not sure what by, but I suspect boy racers. And of course, having been woken up at that horrible hour, it took me forever to get back to sleep again, so I felt like I’d only just got back to sleep when my alarm went off and I had to get up. And then I spent most of the day writing up sections of a proposal we’re working on. Which, although the proposal is for something that will be very exciting if it comes to fruition, was a particularly tedious job to do (writing reports and proposal documents is definitely the part of my increased responsibility I least enjoy – it has all the pain of writing essays but without any of the fun research stuff to brighten it up), and not at all suited for keeping myself awake (and unfortunately we’re working to a very tight deadline, so I couldn’t even put it aside for tomorrow and work on something more stimulating instead today). So I was seriously fading by the end of the day.
Think I might try for an early night tonight…