Can't think of a title
ad dinner last night at a Vietnamese restaurant in Fendalton with a few of the women from Toastmasters. Our original plan had been to grab a quick dinner then go to a movie, but the conversation (and the meal – seriously good food) turned out to be much too enjoyable to rush, so we cancelled the movie plan and just lingered over dinner, and then adjourned across the road to a cafe for dessert. A lovely night, but a later one than I’d intended – my plan had been to skip the movie and just head home after dinner, to try and get an early night before the horrors of First Monday of Daylight Savings (why is it just an hour’s difference seems so huge when your alarm goes off in the morning?). Oh well, the best laid plans and all that – I’ll just have to try for an early night tonight instead…
Daylight Savings Time is the bane of my life.
I cannot think of a word that adequately describes my loathing of the entire idea.