Still here, and still coping, though it’s very much a case of two steps forward and one back. I may write some more about that later, but I don’t feel much like it right now, so instead, muffins!
Dad was in town briefly on Friday on his way to a wedding, so he dropped off a huge box (and I mean huge – it was one of those bins supermarkets use for displaying fruit) of peaches and nectarines. More than I’ll ever be able to eat in their fresh state, so there’ll definitely be some chutney-making going on over the Easter weekend, and probably quite a bit of baking as well. For now though, I just settled for stewing a few for pudding last night, and made some peach muffins to take into our Monday morning meeting at work tomorrow.
And in a vague attempt to kick-start myself out of the uncreative rut I’ve been in, a muffin-based photo essay:
And the recipe, in case you’re feeling hungry after all that:
1-2 cups peaches, diced (you can leave the skin on as long as you cut them small enough)
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
40g butter, melted
3/4 cup milk
1 egg
225g flour
125g sugar
3 tsp baking powder
Mix brown sugar and cinnamon together and set aside. Mix butter, milk and egg together. Mix dry ingredients, then stir through peaches. Add milk mixture and mix until just combined. Spoon into muffin tins, then sprinkle over cinnamon mixture. Bake at 200 C for about 15 minutes.
- You could probably substitute just about any fruit (even tinned fruit if you’re suffering through the end of the northern hemisphere winter and can’t get fresh)
- The assistance of a cat is not essential, but she makes a good supervisor (even if she did try and push the boundaries of what exactly “not allowed on the table” means a couple of times)
Those look yummy, but the thing that caught my eye the most was your assortment of lovely containers for the ingredients! I’m such a pushover for nicely shaped containers!
I’m not writing much about my situation either. It’s just too exhausting no? And really, just how much do we want to share on line?
Know that my thoughts are with you. And things WILL get better, at their own pace.
Bad days happen. But they don’t last forever.
Big hug. And pass me a muffin will ya?
Michelle and I made these today and they are super yummy.
I’ve had this recipe of yours bookmarked for ages!