Long weekend
Waitangi Day tomorrow, so I decided to take today off as well and turn this into a long weekend so that I can actually get myself vaguely organised for the convention. I did have good intentions of getting up at my normal weekday time this morning and start work on convention stuff right away to maximise my use of my free day, but I’m afraid the lure of staying in bed with my book for an extra hour or two (ok, three) was too much, so I’m starting with things a bit later than I planned. But I really am going to get on with things soon. Just as soon as I’ve finished this, uploaded a few pictures to Hamipiks, posted a teaser photo on the official convention blog, read a few friends’ diaries…
We did actually get an important pre-convention task done yesterday. Lytteltonwitch came round in the morning and we finally got to work on the secret project we’ve been planning for ages.
We had a break for a couple of hours later in the morning to go and visit otakuu, who was in Christchurch for the weekend with her family. As always, we had an enjoyable time chatting about bookcrossing gossip and getting excited about the upcoming convention.
Then it was back to my place and back to work on the secret project. There was much hilarity involved (especially when I kept inadvertently insulting lytteltonwitch, first telling her I needed to find out how thick she was, and then saying she looked like a dog!), but we managed to get it almost finished in the end – there’s one or two more little things to be done, but lytteltonwitch said she’ll do them herself. So that’s one more thing I can cross off my ever-growing list of things to do before the 15th.