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Too long without an entry
Isn’t it annoying when life gets so busy that you don’t have time to write diary entries, and then when you do get time, there’s so much to write about that you don’t know where to start, so you keep putting off writing anything at all, which means the amount of stuff you need to…
Walking, walking, walking
We ended up having quite an expedition this morning. I wanted to get the fusing web stuff for that patchwork project I was working on (that got laid aside when the Outlaws arrived), so we had intended to catch the bus to Hands (a fantastic craft shop that I avoid shopping in, because I tend…
Let's try that again
Ok, here goes again. Hopefully this time I’ll manage to hit the right keys and not send this entry off into the ether somewhere. MrPloppy and I went down to Timaru with lytteltonwitch on Saturday for a meetup with the Timaru bookcrossers (well, Timaru bookcrosser – The-Organist is the only active bookcrosser in Timaru at…
Busy, busy, busy
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Seahorses, family, and disappearing lighthouses
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Another bookring arrives
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