I really should make a list of what I want to mention in my diary before I write the entry, because I pressed the button and then remembered a couple of notable catches.
One is A History of the United States: Volume Two: The Growth of the USA by RB Nye and JE Morpurgo, a rather boring looking book I released at the beginning of the year. Whoever picked it up was obviously a cheapskate, because they gave it to their friend as a birthday present! And the friend (who made a journal entry) doesn’t even like history, from the sound of it! Hmm, think they need to get some more generous friends 🙂
The other catch is actually a find (Complicated bit of Bookcrossing terminology there: When you a release a book and someone else journals it, it’s a catch. When someone else releases a book and you make a journal entry, that’s a find. Both statistics are shown on your bookshelf page, and newbies are always asking what the difference is.) Unfortunately not a book I found in the wild, but something almost as good – perfect-circle sent me Boating for Beginners by Jeanette Winterson as a RABK (Random Act of Bookcrossing Kindness – sending someone a book out of the blue, without expecting anything in return). I had no idea she was sending it to me (and it’s a book I’ve been wanting to read for ages), so it was a wonderful surprise when it turned up in my letterbox.