Really the end this time
Servalan left early on Thursday morning to catch her train back to Sydney, but my flight wasn’t until late afternoon, so I had a day to fill on my own. I’d done pretty much all the touristy stuff Brisbane had to offer (the ones I could afford, anyway), so after wandering around town one last time (and releasing The Song of the Forest by Colin Mackay), I filled in the rest of my day by going to the movies (War of the Worlds, which I was pretty underwhelmed by).
Then it was back to the Palace to pick up my bags, and release my last few books on their book exchange shelf, and off to the airport, headed for home (with a much lighter bag than I arrived with!)
Summer Lightning and Other Stories by Olive Senior
American Dad by Tama Janowitz
Basilica by William D. Montalbano
Night Sounds by Warner Lee