Cultcha and stuff
After the disappointment of the highly commercialised Australia Zoo, servalan and I decided to spend Tuesday and Wednesday on more cultural pursuits, visiting Brisbanes museums, art galleries and gardens… and releasing a few more books 😉
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A few works of art that caught my eye
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and some flowers that caught my eye even more.
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See, my paranoia about Australia being full of nasty spiders is completely justified!
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Mangroves growing beside the river. I’ve always had a weird affection for mangroves, ever since watching David Attenborough raving about them in Life on Earth.
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Sugar cane growing in the botanic gardens. Pity I’d already released that Nancy Cato book.
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Whoever built this building obviously had very good taste 🙂
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An attempt at photographing the river by night. I really must get a tripod for my camera one day!
Releases on Tuesday and Wednesday:
Beyond the Labyrinth by Gillian Rubinstein
The Secret Diary of a Telephonist by Heather Marshall (another themed release: I left it sitting on top of a telephone)
The Violins of Saint-Jacques by Patrick Leigh Fermor
Dr. Hunk by Glenda Sanders (themed release in a blood donor clinic)
Personal Velocity by Rebecca Miller
A Mind to Murder by P.D. James
Red Herrings by Tim Heald
Special Agent Nanny by Linda O Johnston
First Grey, Then White, Then Blue by Margriet De Moor
Winterflight by Joseph Bayly
Sudden Unprovided Death by Stan Hey
No Disguise for Love by Barbara Cartland
The Dance of Death and Other Stories by Algernon Blackwood
Elephants Don’t Sit on Cars by David Henry Wilson
Waiting for the Rain by Sheila Gordon
Walter: My Secret Life edited by Eberhard & Phyllis Kronhausen
The Gravedigger File by Os Guinness
Lolly Willows by Sylvia Townsend Warner
Welcome to Paradise by Laurence Shames
From This Day Forward by Connie Monk
Dark Inheritance by Elaine Feinstein
Burning Bright by Helen Dunmore
Mrs. Hartley and the Growth Centre by Philippa Gregory
Inheritance by Owen Brookes
On Not Being Able to Paint by Joanna Field (themed release in an art gallery)
The Finishing School by Gail Godwin
As Crime Goes by by Diane K. Shah
The Native Air by Sarah Woodhouse
This Place Has No Atmosphere by Paula Danziger
Wednesday was my birthday, so I went out for dinner with servalan and some of the Brisbane bookcrossers (MadamMuck and MrMuck, Neesy and Flinx73, bandm, cackleberry and jawin, and Amjoco). We had a fantastic night, everyone insisted on paying for my dinner, and neesy even brought along a birthday cake she’d made for me. Oh, and a few books might have changed hands 🙂 (Concrete by Raewyn Alexander, Closed Stranger by Kate De Goldi, Finding Cassie Crazy by Jaclyn Moriarty). A great birthday, and a great end to my last full day in Australia.
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